Flexible preparations for sealing and gluing

When assembling or assembling any parts, one of the most important time-saving steps in your work is surface preparation. However, this is not the only thing that affects the correctness of the entire process. The second important factor is choosing the right ones adhesives and products for sealing, so that you can enjoy the long-term use of the product or device sealed by us without stress.

Silicones – the most common sealants

Although most people may not be aware of it, they have silicone seals in their homes. These are the most popular remedies that have been recognized for many years. Why? First of all, they are safe for humans and animals, their use is a guarantee of water resistance, they are characterized by permanent flexibility, and in addition, their use is really very simple.

Other names for silicones

Silicone is the most common name for this type of preparation. You can come across the following nomenclature: sealant, mastic or sealing-adhesive mass.

The use of silicones

Since silicone is a product that has excellent adhesion to most surfaces, it is not surprising that it is widely used in a really diverse number of industries. Universal products can be used even alone, for home use, for example, sealing shower cabins or other finishing works. In turn, the more professional use of this type of adhesives is used by the construction industry, for all kinds of repairs, as well as by various branches of the machine industry to install various seals.

Classification of silicones

Due to the method of hardening the silicone mass, silicone products can be divided into two basic groups: acid / acetic and neutral. Depending on the method of hardening the sealant-adhesive, it will have different properties, and therefore it will have a different purpose.

Acid / acetic silicone

You can recognize it by the very characteristic, even scratchy smell of vinegar emitted during its application. It is a fast-setting silicone that is extremely resistant to moisture and high temperature. Unfortunately, it cannot be used with all products as it is not suitable for use with alkaline materials with which it reacts. An example of such a material is lime, therefore it is not suitable for pointing mineral plasters. Due to the acidic reaction of this silicone, it cannot be used with acid-sensitive materials – it can corrode metals such as brass, and when applied to natural stone, it can cause discoloration.

Sanitary silicone

Sanitary silicone with acid reaction is used wherever there is a risk of the appearance of fungi, bacteria and mold. Due to its reaction, it is resistant to their effects. For this reason, it is most often used in places with an increased risk of these microorganisms – in kitchens, bathrooms, or laundries and drying rooms. It has good adhesion to most standard sanitary substrates, such as ceramics, glass, concrete and brick, glazed surfaces, or some metals, and even wood. You can meet the sanitary silicone with a quick setting, which becomes resistant to moisture up to two hours after its application, which significantly saves time. It is not recommended for PE, PP, Teflon and natural stone, but some sanitary silicones can be used for acrylic and PVC surfaces.

High temperature silicone

Highly appreciated in the automotive industry due to its resistance to very high temperatures, almost up to 300 degrees Celsius (more precisely up to 285 degrees C). It is also not harmed by any lubricants, oils or fuels, hence this type of silicone is often used in engines. It shows good adhesion to glass, metal and ceramics. It is used in all heating installations, air-conditioning systems, kitchen appliances and engines, so wherever a hermetic seal resistant to high temperature is required.

Glazing silicone

As the name suggests, this type of silicone is primarily used to join materials made of glass, as long as the sealing is only meant between an unpainted wooden frame or painted with alkyd paints. It has a wide range of temperature resistance – 60 to + 200 degrees. C.

Universal silicone

It is valued primarily in the construction industry, because it is perfect for concrete, ceramics and glass, and therefore for most finishing works.

Neutral silicones

Odorless and chemically neutral for all materials. This type of adhesives has a much longer setting time than the acid silicone product.

Mason’s silicone

Therefore, it is used for pointing and gluing natural stones (including granite, marble), but also glass, glazed surfaces, PVC and acrylic. Enriched with fungicides, resistant to UV and weather conditions.

Sanitary neutral silicone

It should not be used in places that are permanently exposed to moisture. It can be successfully used for concrete, stone, masonry, brick, wood, glass, ceramics and glazed surfaces, metals (does not cause corrosion), plastics, e.g. PVC, acrylic and polycarbonate. For those who want to save time, you can get this silicone in a very fast-drying version, even up to 30 minutes after application.

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