Companies that deal with the production of technical seals have their hands full. There is a great deal of demand for this type of seal. They are used in every industry, construction, automotive, electric and even in the aerospace industry. Technical seals are made of, among others, silicone, latex and, of course, rubber. The production of these components takes place in the process of pressure vulcanization. Of course, we have many new technical solutions, such as special injection molding machines, where production is carried out by injection.
When it comes to vulcanization of technical seals, it is based on a process in which the so-called “ spikes ” are formed between polymer molecules (i.e. a chemical substance with a very high molecular weight). bridges. This leads to the formation of a three-dimensional supermolecular network and ultimately to the formation of rubber. This method is the vulcanization of unsaturated polymers at elevated temperature and pressure (240 – 280 degrees Celsius, 100 – 300 MPa), without the use of chemical vulcanization agents.
The second method of producing technical seals is the use of injection. What is this method about. The blank is automatically pressed into a multi-element mold. Thanks to its application, any required shape can be achieved. Most often, this method is used to create technical seals in small sizes and large quantities. Mainly it produces standard seals in common sizes. However, if we need unique shapes or sizes of seals, we can contact the manufacturer directly by tel. or fax. We can also go to the manufacturer’s website and send a contact request. Give your phone number or fax to contact. Remember that every website uses cookies. They collect important information that helps the administrator to adjust the offers to the customer’s needs. Of course, before processing all data, we must consent to the use of cookies and our telephone number. for marketing purposes. If in doubt, please contact us.