Epoxy Resin Adhesive

Two-component and epoxy adhesives available in the POWER Rubber Store

Two-component adhesives are commonly znan epoxy adhesives
Epoxy adhesives consist of two components. This gives us more ability to combine hard-to-glue elements. And so we can combine the following materials:
aluminum, steel, iron, wood, plastic, stones, school ceramics, plastics and even concrete.



Klej epoksydowy dwuskładnikowy B 2060

Two-component adhesives Properties

Connecting time

Epoxy Resin Adhesive

Black Two-component epoxy adhesive labelled B 2060 with a weight of 25gTwo-component adhesives are adhesives dedicated to the combination of elements depending on the time you have for gluing. The combination of elements made of different materials requires different time. And so we distinguish between the different times in which epoxy adhesives form a combination:

  • 60 seconds
  • 5 minutes
  • 22 minutes
  • 60 minutes