Separator barriers
The road barrier is the first step to increasing safety by limiting the range of movement.
High quality plastic road barriers at POWER Rubber near Warsaw
If you are wondering which barriers to choose that are light, but at the same time stable, plastic barriers are the best solution. The combination of durability and reliability is the basis for the functioning of road equipment elements. We invite you to buy it in Pruszków, near Warsaw.
Application of Road Barriers on the road
Road barriers are especially important for road safety. They are used to separate lanes or curves that may or may completely endanger road users. It is worth noting that such a road barrier weighs about 5 kg, and after filling with a squeak or flooding with water about 20 kg. This feature allows standing in the wind in difficult conditions.
Road barriers should prevent driving beyond the edge of the designated driving area. They also serve to separate lanes that go in the opposite direction. They are used on viaducts, highways, roadways and side roads.
Showing 1–12 of 17 resultsSorted by price: low to high
Showing 1–12 of 17 resultsSorted by price: low to high
Bariery drogowe plastikowe służą do tymczasowej kontroli ruchu na drodze i autostradach, wokół miejsc pracy i obiektów użyteczności publicznej. Puste w środku zapory drogowe występują w różnych kształtach, kolorach (np. bariera ochronna biała) i rozmiarach. Można napełnić je wodą lub piaskiem. Są lekkie i przenośne. Wykonane z materiału odpornego na działanie warunków pogodowych (mróz, wilgoć) oraz promieniowanie UV. Przystosowane do montażu świateł i odblasków.